Monday, May 25, 2009


Asleep in the bike trailer.

Playing Ball together

This Memorial Weekend turned out way better than I expected. We had originally planned to go to Illionis to visit my brother, Deacon was having such a tough time with his teething that we decided not to inflict Deke on them this weekend. By Sunday, Deacon was doing much better. Early Monday morning, we took the boys for a hike, then we played outside while Daddy grilled some ribs. After we ate, we went for a bike ride to Westo Zesto and had ice cream. It must have been an exhausting day because both boys fell asleep in the trailer on the way back from the Zesto.

Ty "helping" Daddy weed eat.

A few weeks ago I took the boys hiking by myself while Daddy did yard work. We had a lot of fun. Tyler really loves to go hiking now and I really enjoy taking them.

Monday, May 18, 2009


When we were down in Texas, Tyler got to play with two of his cousins. The really cool thing is they are all very close in age. Lindsey, the adorable little girl in the pink cowboy boots, is just a few months older than Ty and Logan, the really cute little boy that isn't Tyler, is 2. They had a lot of fun playing soccer and chasing each other aroun
I had to throw one in there of my two boys. Tyler and Deke are really starting to play together now. It's the coolest thing to go into Tyler's room and find them playing together. I know this is only going to get better as they get older. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of "no, dekey, that mine." Followed by the sound of Dekey crying. I just chose to dwell on the moments when they are actually getting along and Tyler is sharing his toys with him rather than hoarding everything he has. Even if it is few and far between.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Tyler pretending to be spiderman

The soccer games are now over. Tyler had a lot of fun. Watching these kids play soccer was the funniest thing. Tyler would sometimes just run in circles out there and other times, he would fall down just because everybody else did. He got to play goalie for a little bit at this game and did manage to stop one ball from getting into the net. He did seem to enjoy it and I would do it again if he wanted to play again. Deke like watching them play and he would clap for Tyler when we clapped.

Tommorrow is the big day for Deacon. We have his surgery early tommorrow morning. Please keep him in your prayers.