Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Boat Ride

Last weekend we got invited on the Sauke boat again.  It was a perfect day for it.  Beautiful, sunny, warm enough and the fall colors were so brillant.  Good thing we went out when we did.  Almost all the leaves are now off the trees. 
We had Ty's parent-teacher conference today and that went well.  Ty is where he should be and his listening skill have much improved.  At the begining of the year, it was taking several reminders for him to listen, but now he's so proud to tell me that he had no reminders that day.  She confirmed that it's gotten much better.  She does a discipline technique called "Full Bucket".  They have a paper bucket with their name on it and three stars attached to the bucket.  If they hurt somebody or don't listen to the teacher then they have to go remove a star from their bucket.  At the end of the day, they color in how many stars they have in their bucket and bring that home to the parents.  Every day is a new day so they start every day with all three stars.  If they lose all three stars, then it's called "tipping your bucket".  The student has a conference with the teacher and they have to bring a note home to the parents that the parents have to sign.  So far, Ty has not "tipped his bucket".  And so far, he's almost made two weeks with completely full buckets.  Only one more day.  We'll see if he makes it. 
I got to see Ty at his swim lessons today.  He has improved so much.  We go to the Dells tomorrow and I can't wait for him to show Joel how far he's come.  I also can't wait to see how Deacon handles does there.    
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Costumes

"Wolverine, get out of my house now."
"Ha ha, Batman, I'd like to see you make me."

"Oh, I'll make you."
"Bring it."

"Ka Pow!"
"Zoinks!" (Deke would have to throw a Zoinks in there :))

"Take that, Wolverine!"
"Don't mess with Batman."

These two seriously crack me up.  Ty got his Wolverine costume this past weekend.  Deke had a batman costume and he wants to go as Scooby dressed as Batman for Halloween.  They've been putting on these costumes and having a grand old time making up elaborate stories about their characters.  
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1st Boat Ride


We went on the Sauke boat in early September.  It was a warm enough day and we stopped at a sand bar to let the boys play in the water.  They had so much fun.  When other boats would go by there would be some pretty nice waves.  They loved them.  They would sit in the water and wait for the waves to come in.  They had so much sand in their shorts that when we got them home and bathed them, our bathtub was full of sand.  We went out on the boat this past weekend and the fall colors were amazing.  I'll post pictures soon.
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

1st Day of School


Ty's Orientation Day

Ty's first full day.  Waiting at the bus stop.  His favorite part of Kindergarten is riding the bus.

Deke's mad that he doesn't get to ride the bus too.  Actually, he's just goofing off, but he looks like he's really upset. :)

Here comes the bus! 

I've been bad about getting photos off the camera.  I've let it go for well over a month.  So be prepared for some photos from a while back. 
Last night, some good friends came out for a night on the town to help me celebrate my birthday.  I had a blast.  Today, the Sauke's had us out on their boat again.  I found some photos from our first trip on the camera, so I'll have to post those soon. This was such a beautiful trip with all the fall colors.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jay Cooke State Park


While we were camping in Banning, we struggled to get Deacon to take a nap so we decided to go for a drive.  Poor Deke missed out on some of the best parts of our camping trip.  We stopped at Jay Cooke State Park, which was about 30 minutes away from Banning. Beautiful spot. I really want to go back here and hike more of the trails.  As it was, Deke was still sleeping when we pulled up, so Joel and I took turns going to this bridge and looking at the view.  After this stop, we went into Duluth.  Another area I want to go back and visit again. Deke slept through all of this and didn't wake back up until we were pulling back into our campsite. 
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