We took the boys to Blue Bell Creameries while in Texas. You can experience Blue Bell at any Outback, but you can't buy it in stores up here. It's the ice cream Joel and I grew up with and it is delicous. It takes 60,000 cows a day to make their ice cream. Pretty fascinating and of course, the best part was getting free ice cream at the end of the tour. Poor Joel couldn't have any and got stuck eating an icee pop that the kids wanted as well. Deacon got his favorite chocolate and Ty got cookies n cream. I think Ty picked the best one. I tried the b-day cake one and surprisingly it wasn't as good as the ones I've had up here so I was disappointed. I should have went with my stand-by Vanilla. Boring, I know, but it's my favorite.
Ty is getting around much better now. He doesn't limp at all and we are having a much harder time keeping him from still. I am so grateful as it seems to point more and more to the viral infection. We had church service last night which was really good. Both boys were surprisingly quiet and good. Ty actually paid attention and had quite a few questions for us on the way home. I love being able to share what Christ has done for him and know that he's understanding it.