Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dentist Appt

Tyler had his first Dentist appt today. He did really good and I got a lot of compliments on how well-behaved he was. Which is good seeing as I was completly stressed out. I made the mistake of thinking that I could handle my rambanticous 2 1/2 year old and my 5 1/2 week old sons by myself. I was counting on Deacon going to sleep in the car, but I'm thinking that Tyler must have had a chat with Deke on his sleeping habits because Deacon has suddenly decided that it is not cool to sleep. Therefore, he was wide awake when we got there and hungry. I had brought a bottle, but turns out it is not so easy to bottle feed a baby, keep an eye on Tyler, and fill out all the forms I had to fill out. When we finally got to the back area for Tyler to get his teeth cleaned, Deke was still fussy and hungry and Tyler wanted me to hold his hand. I felt like I was being torn in two and I would have loved it if somebody had come up and offered to hold Deacon for me so I could be there for Tyler. I ended up holding the bottle under my chin so I had one hand free to hold Tyler's. Lesson learned, I'll never attempt this again by myself. Good thing Tyler was on his best behavior.

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