Sunday, October 5, 2008

Clowning Around

These pictures are from Monday morning playgroup. Tyler dressed up as a clown which suits him perfectly. Below the boys (Brennen, Connor, and Tyler) are building a train track.
We took Deacon to the Dr.'s today and he is growing so fast. He is now 11 1/2 oz (25th percentile), 22 1/2" long (25th percentile) and his head is almost 16" (close to the 50th percentile). So he has a big head and it made quite the jump from when he was born.
He had to get his shots today which made me cry. He was all smiles for the nurse till she poked him. I was tearing him up before she even stuck him because I knew that smile wasn't going to last long. I really wished there was an easier way to give these babies their vaccines.

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