Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is this a Hat?

Tyler found one of my bras today and thought it was a hat. It also became a big truck's horn at one point. He would pull on the strap and say "Honk, Honk". If he only knew...
He has such an imagination on him. The other day at dinner, he patted all his beans together and said he was making pancakes, those then turned into cupcakes. The good news is he actually ate it and was like"mmm, cupcakes". Hey, whatever gets you to eat.
We had his three year checkup this past week. His doctor always comments on his sparkly eyes. Ty's eyes are one of my favorite features of his. She then asked him old he was. He started to say two, then he stopped himself and said. "I most three." I think that kind of suprised her, it suprised me because I didn't think he knew that. She then said that's right, you have a birthday coming up. What do you want for your birthday. His response, I could anticipate. "Soccer" He's obsessed with sports.

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