Saturday, April 24, 2010

Deacon-5, Mommy-0

The battle of the potty is definitely leaning in Deke's direction. So far today, we have not made it to the potty once. That kid has some pretty darn amazing bladder control. He can stop it mid-stream when he's going on the floor and not get a drop out when I get him to the potty. Also, no BM today. He's held it all day long. I wonder what I'm going to wake up to tomorrow. At this point, I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I'm not sure if I should keep up the fight or admit defeat for this month and tackle it again next month. I suppose we'll see how it goes tomorrow. He seems to understand and he doesn't like getting any of it on him, but I also don't want to create an aversion to the potty. It's been very low-key so far and I really don't want to become too pushy with it. Today, he was pretty much naked all day except for when we went saling this morning and at naptime. When he had an accident, he let me know and we went to the potty and sat on it and talked about how this is where we go. I didn't get upset once, just discouraged. I even had Tyler show him how to go on his little potty. Ty's been very encouraging so far and trying to help Deacon with learning. Tomorrow is another day.
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