Monday, March 7, 2011

35MM Camera

I have this really nice 35MM camera that I just started using again because my digital camera crapped out on me again. I love this camera even though it is really old school. Here are some of the photos that I got off of it. I know for those of you that are really into photography, these aren't that great, but I am having to re-learn a lot of what I used to know so I realize that they are over exposed. I still love these and I think I'll get better as I use it more. It sucks that you don't have the instant gratification of being able to see the shot you took, but oh well. One of these days, I may get a really nice digital camera. In the meantime, Heather took pity on my being digital cameraless and gave me one of her digital cameras that she doesn't use anymore.
We had our big winter blues party this past weekend and it was blast. There was only one sad note to the whole thing and that was that we also turned into a good-bye Bob party and I'm going to miss him a lot. He's moving to Colorado and while he is gone, he is not forgotten. He is going to be greatly missed around here.
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Heather said...

Don't sell yourself short, this pictures are AWESOME. very sharp!

Did you scan them in?

KariY said...

These are beautiful! I don't think they're overexposed (for what it's worth).