Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hit it!

We go and watch our friends play softball on Thursday nights when its nice. Tonight, the game was cancelled, but that didn't stop Tyler for cheering for his favorite players. The first video shows him telling Bob to hit it and then congratulating Bob on a nice hit. The next video shows him telling Mike to hit it and then telling him he did a nice job. It was too funny. He just kept doing it over and over again crouching down like a catcher (which is the position Bob plays) and then telling them they did a nice job.

He was in such a good mood today. I took him to the store with me and he was being so cute that we got quite a few people to stop and talk to him. He was asking so many questions and doing it so politly and of course helping me remember my list. Suprisingly, I was going through it out loud and trying to remember one of the things on it when he told me it was bread. He was right, bread was on the list and I would have forgotten it. One of the ladies at Hyvee that works there knows him by name now and always makes a point to come and talk to him and of course offer him a sticker. Too bad every day isn't like today. But I guess if that happened, I'd start taking it for granted.


KariY said...

Those videos are hysterical! What did I ever do before you had a blog??

Heather said...

on tuesday, tyler was using a the plastic mast to a pirate ship as a bat and having me throw a mini football for him to hit. which he did quite well. now, connor keeps trying to do it. he's getting better....tyler better be ready!