Well yesterday, Baby Deacon arrived, surpising us all. I thought for sure Jenna would beat me! I woke up yesterday with some mild contractions but they were pretty regular. I went to work anyway, praying that Deacon would arrive soon. I left work at 10:00 to go home, still not sure if I was in labor or not. Contractions were getting stronger and closer together, but when your water doesn't break, it is really guess work on whether or not you are in labor. Joel finally convinced me to go the hosiptal around noon.
We picked up Tyler and dropped him off at Steph's. When I arrived, they didn't admit me at first. I was only at 3.5 cm and contractions were mild (according to them, they didn't feel that mild to me!) They had me walk around the hosiptal for an hour and then checked me again. I was at 6cm and fully effaced. As soon as they admitted me, I asked for the drugs. Those contractions hurt!! Joel was great though, he would hold me close and rub my lower back which really helped. Around 4:30, I finally got something they call an intrathucal which worked wonderfully. That antheslogist (Fred) became my new best friend.
At 5:15, I was told that I was at 10cm and ready to push. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to feel to push, because I could not feel anything below my waist. Turns out I had nothing to worry about! As soon as Dr. Shelton arrived and told me I was good to go, it took one contraction and one push and Deacon was born. 45 seconds!!!! I couldn't believe it! No pain at all and it all happened so fast! He was born at 5:23 pm and weighed 6lbs, 19 1/2" long.
He has been extremly mellow so far. Very few cries, but that could change.
Tyler got to meet him and he was really good with him. He tried to share his trucks with him. We'll see how things go when we get him home.
Pictures to follow soon.
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