Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home Improvments

We finally had it with our dining room carpet. It had a big yellow spot from the Manny chewing up yellow food dye on it and then last weekend, orange paint ended up on it. We've wanted to replace the carpet for a while so the orange paint made the decision for us. Joel has been working so hard on it and its almost done. He finished grouting today and it should be completed tomorrow. The boys were anxious to help and fortunately Joel is an extremely patient man. I'll have pictures up soon of the finished project.

We're now working on the kitchen, so I'll post the pics when we are completely done. The dining room is now a mess due to the fact that we had to pull most things out of the kitchen. (Love how I use the word "we" when it should be "Joel"). The work has been non-stop and I'm amazed at how much he's done already and with zero help. I think I did maybe 30 minutes one day and I felt like an old woman when I got up. He's been putting 6-8 hours on it every day. Staying up to midnight or later and not complaining about it at all. He is truly an amazing man.

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1 comment:

KariY said...

Whoa! Those are SOME PANTS Joel has on!