Sunday, July 3, 2011

Beaver Valley Creek Trails


Ty was super excited about finding this snail on one of the trails. 
I decided to start another blog that covers our camping/hiking trips in Minnesota.  One of my biggest peeves with camping and hiking around here is finding out information on the trails we want to do.  The information from the state parks is scanty at best. I want to know what I'm going to see on the trail and find out if it is worth my time.  Feel free to check it out at  There isn't a whole lot up there yet, but I'm hoping by the end of this summer we will have a lot more. 

On this last camping trip to Beaver Valley Creek we did a trail called Plateau Rock. I honestly thought there was going to be some giant rock up there that would offer some incredible views.  I could not have been more wrong.  First off this trail was incredibly difficult.  Steep drop off on one side and sheer rock on the other side.  Very steep and slippery, with no steps most of the way up.  When you finally do reach the top, you can't see anything because of the tree cover.  We followed the trail around the top hoping that we would find another way down. I did not want to go down the same way we went up.  There is no other way down, but at the very end of this trail, we did discover a geo cache.  It's a little box that was stuffed in a dead tree.  When you opened it up, there was paper for you to sign your name and they had all kinds of little treasures that people had left in there. One of those treasures was a Scooby Doo sticker and a car.  We had a hard time convincing the  boys that we are not allowed to take the treasures out of the box.  There was also a little snail shell in the box.  Joel signed the paper and then put it back.  As we were walking away from it.  Tyler holds up a snail shell and tells me that he found it on the ground, it didn't come from the box.  He is really a bad liar.  All it took was "the look" and he admitted that it came from the box, so he went back with Daddy to put it back. 

The way down from this trail was just as scary as I figured it would be.  We took it slow and easy and we all made it down safe and sound.  I would not recommend this for young kids though.  There were several times when my heart was in my throat.  I was very glad we had Deacon in the backpack carrier. 
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