Thursday, July 14, 2011

These two are trouble

I love listening to their interactions. Ty tries so hard to manipulate Deacon into doing what he wants to do. Today I bought Ty some new cleats for baseball. They look really cool although they are a little big. I picked up Deacon a pair of Fisher Price Roller blades for kids. (Both were garage sale finds) I have to admit that when I first saw the rollerblades, I thought of Ty, not Deke. Shhh, don't tell Deke. Poor kid, he always gets the shaft. I just know that Ty loves this kind of stuff and would be super excited about it. At any rate, I did the right thing and decided to give them to Deke.
I gave Ty the cleats first and sure enough, he loved them. "Thanks Mom!"
Then I gave Deke the roller blades. (Yeah, I know his b-day is in two weeks, I could have saved them, but I'm going to have a hard enough time keeping the Scooby Doo figures I bought him a secret so give me a break.) Oh, he was so excited. "I love them! Thanks, Mom! I love you!" I should give him stuff more often. Needless to say, Ty really loved them too. "Next time, can you get me roller skates too?" And then it started.
"Deacon, you think I should try them out first for you. You know, just to try them."
Deacon responds: "Yes"
But a few seconds later he must have realized what Ty had said because then he said, "No."
Ty then started in with "We should take turns. Here's what we will do, I'll go first and go around the driveway and then you can go and we'll just keep doing that, okay"
Deacon: "No, I not share."
Then Ty starts to pout. I don't know why unless he's thinks that the pouting is how he gets Deke to give in because Deke always does this. He says No and then relents and gives Tyler whatever he was wanting.
When we got home, Ty was done pouting and must have realized that if he helped Deacon, then he'd get his chance. So he helped Deacon get in the skates and helped him around the driveway. I don't think Deacon was in the skates more than a few seconds before Ty was asking him if was his turn yet. Deacon did give Ty a turn in them, but he made him wait a bit.
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