Saturday, July 2, 2011

Garvin Heights

The Cave

Oak Savanna

We took the boys up to Garvin Heights this morning.  Joel had heard about an oak savanna that was there and these two big rocks called date rock.  The Oak Savanna seems to be part of the main trail that runs from lower Garvin Heights up to upper Garvin Heights.  We found a cave and the two big rocks that he had heard about.  There is a small foot path to the left of the garvin heights look out. If you follow that around, you'll discover the cave down in a little area.  The boys were super excited about the cave. 

This evening we went over to the Bradberg's for a delicious dinner of grilled pork chops and corn.  It was super yummy!
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1 comment:

KariY said...

I love that bottom Oak photo. Might be even better in black and white. A framer?