Thursday, October 15, 2009


Joel's parents are on the left and mine are on the right. I love that they can get together without us, although I very much wished we could have been there. This is from George's (Joel's dad) 70th birthday party in September. It looks like they had a good time and we miss them all so very much!
It has been busy here at home. Both Deacon and Tyler have been sick, but fortunatly it has not been anything major. Joel's missed a lot of work though since I no longer have sick days. Tyler seems to be going through a phase where talking back and not listening is the thing to do. It had me wondering last night where my sweet little boy went and then today he was suddenly back. I had really missed him. He was so sweet and kind. I really hope he's here to stay for a little while and the little boy who is a little terror does not return anytime soon.
Deacon is growing so fast and some of his milestones just sneak up on me. I am always so amazed by what he's capable of doing and what he understands. He's been a bit fussy with his cold, but when he's in a good mood, he is so much fun to be around.

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