Monday, June 21, 2010

Hunting Wabbits

Ty decided to go out in the backyard and hunt for rabbits. He took the net, his foam sword, and his giant claw that is supposed to be used for Halloween candy outside with him to catch the rabbits. Yup, he's a hunter all right, as you can see he only succeeded in catching himself.
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Introducing the Dramatic Deacon

Oh, this boy is too clever. Saturday, Ty and Deke were riding their bikes in the driveway. Ty bumped Deacon just a little bit by accident when he was driving past him. It just jolted him a teeny, tiny bit. Deacon sat there for maybe a second or two and then slowly crumpled up and slowly fell off the trike. I watched him do the whole thing and it was slow enough for him to lower himself gently to the sidewalk where he commenced to cry and yell "Tywer!" What a little drama king! I had to stop myself from calling him "Liar, liar pants on fire!" Instead I chose the more politically correct "You Fibber!" I couldn't believe the little tike was trying to get his big brother in trouble on purpose. We are so going to have to watch this one!

Yesterday I took the boys to get their haircuts by myself. I am so brave sometimes. Ty is excellent and always has been, but Deacon is not so good with the haircuts. We've avoided one for a whole year and have just had Joel give him trims because the first time was so bad. He sat in my lap and Tyler went with the other lady to get his haircut. Deacon at first started to resist, but then he looked over and saw Tyler and was fine after that. I think once he saw that Ty was cool with it, then he could be cool with it too. He looks super cute. Joel says he reminds him of when Connor was younger and would get his haircut. Tyler thinks he looks like Brennan's younger brother.

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Rock Band

Ty has taken over the drums. We got Rock Band on Saturday and just got in the Xbox. Tyler has been really looking forward to rocking out.

Check out the Bradberg blog for more Steamboat days and parade pictures.

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Steamboat Days part II

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steamboat days

It was Steamboat days here this weekend. We took the boys to the carnival Friday night, the parade Sunday, and Ty got to go see the fireworks last night. A busy, but fun-filled weekend was had by all.
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Deacon the Devious

Here are some picture of Deacon with Nana and Uncle George. Deacon likes to steal food from other people's plates and he looks so adorable when he begs you can't help but give him some of your food.
Friday evening we were outside and the boys were playing chase. Ty would make a wide loop around the yard while Deke would chase after him. Ty would always end up in this little chair that is just the right size for the boys. Deacon loves this chair and when Ty decided to take an extended break from the game of chase, Deke got a tiny bit upset, but then he put that devious mind to work. Ty beware. Deke came up behind Ty and said "Chase". Ty agreed and took off, Deacon chased him just far enough and then turned around and high tailed it for the chair. Tyler was so mad. "Deacon took a shortcut." He yelled. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing so hard. I had no idea he was so clever.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fishing with Papa

Joel's Dad took Ty fishing in the gulf on Friday. They caught some hardheads and no I do not know what kind of fish those are. Apparently they are not good eating as they threw them back. They caught a dogfish and some eels. Ty loved every minute of it and they had to finally make him leave around noon when it got too hot. They left the house at 5 a.m. and Ty was so excited to go. It was so cute to watch him. He was super sweet before they left, giving me hugs and telling me he loved me. He's such an awesome kid and I am so glad that he got to do this with Daddy and Papa. Next year, Deke should be able to go as well.
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At the Beach

"I command you, Stay back, Waves!"
The boys had a lot of fun at the beach. Ty more than Deke. It took Deke a while to be comfortable with all those waves. It was pretty windy. We collected a ton of seashells.
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Horseback Riding with Deke

Deacon really suprised me. I didn't think he'd get on the horse, but he got really upset when I rode off with just Tyler. I came back for him and he was fine with being on the horse. When we go back in November, I think we're going to try to do a trail ride with my Aunt. I hope we can make it work.
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Horseback Riding with Ty

My Aunt Jeannie has horses and she was kind enough to let us come over so I could take Ty and Deke riding. It has been at least 10 years since I've been on a horse and I was a little frightened myself. It's hard to believe that when I was growing up, I thought nothing of running out the in the field and hoping on a horse bareback. I loved making the horses gallop and this one just broke into a trot and scared me. I just can't see myself doing that now.
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Slip-n-Slide Part II


Love that third photo of Deke. He was too funny with that slip-n-slide. The bottom picture is my Mom with Deacon. The flower in her hair is a gardenia that they grow down there. Tyler picked one for all the ladies and gave them out.
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Slip n Slide -pt 1

Great Aunt Jeannie bought the boys a slip-n-slide. It was big hit. Deacon loved trying to use it as a water fountain! Tyler used it as a dance mat. Very little sliding went on, but a lot of fun was had!
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