Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ty and Deke

Tyler seems to really be taking to Deke. He does seem to get a little jealous sometimes and will ask us to put him down so we can play with him but for the most part, he seems to really enjoy being the big brother. He helps me change his diapers. He'll hold the diaper for me while I clean Deke up and then he'll hand it to me when I need it. Last night, after Ty's bath I wrapped him up in a towel and carried him into the bedroom to put his pj's on. As I was carrying him he told me that he was all wrapped up like a baby. I said yes, he was my big baby and Deke was my little baby. Daddy came out holding Deke and Tyler wanted him to lay right beside him. He kept saying I'm the big baby and Deacon's the little baby. He wanted to hold Deke today and we let him. He was really good with him and gave him a kiss as he held him. Then he wanted to hold him all the time which we just can't let him do.

Yesterday, I took Tyler to Target with me to get some stuff and then we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. I think it really helped to spend some one on one time with just Tyler. I know it helped me as I was getting pretty frustrated with some of his antics at home, but he was so good while we were out and it was great to reconnect with him. We talked about what a big boy he was and that only big boys can have ice cream. Deke can't have that yet. He responded back that Deke was too little, but Daddy and Mommy were big boys, too. I had to correct him and tell him that I was not a big boy. He kept insisting that I was, but before the car ride was over, I think I finally convinced him that I most certainly was not a big boy. I was a big girl.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Color the Bathtub

Life as a family of four has been easier than I expected. At least so far.

The biggest issue we have so far is Tyler wants my attention when I'm feeding Deacon. Joel went to work for a few hours today leaving me alone with Ty and Deke. Ty was not very easy during this time especially when I fed Deke. I think that kid knows there is nothing I can do when Deke is attached to me and so he really acts up. In order to keep him occupied during one of the feeding sessions, I put him in the tub with some crayons. They were bathtub crayons so it was easy to clean. Kind of like erasing a whiteboard. This was his artwork when he was done. It kept occupied for about 30 mins which is all I needed.

Here are some more pictures of the family. Deacon has been a very easy baby so far as well. He spends most of his time sleeping, waking every 2-3 hours to eat, poop, and then he'll spend some time just looking around and taking it all in. He is such a content baby unless you don't feed him when he's ready and then watch out. He gets mad if you don't immediatly give him what he wants. I've actually been able to get a pretty good night's rest too. Last night, I only had to get up with him twice! I think he's spending his time growing. With as much as he eats when I feed him, he should put on weight quickly.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Going Home

Daddy and Baby Deacon taking a nap. Labor is so hard on them!
I think they are planning something here. It looks like they are communicating something and that scares me. In the pictures below we are getting Deke ready to go home. Tyler was so excited to help. He kept dragging the carseat all around the room waiting for Daddy to put Deke into it. He wanted to help so bad. We told him he could entertain Deke while Daddy got him strapped in. After we got him all loaded up, Ty rocked his carseat and sang "Rock a bye baby" to him. Then he wanted to help carry him out. He is going to be such an awesome big brother!

Welcome Baby Halle

Halle Kate Loos came into the world Sunday, July 27 around 8:30 this morning. She weighed 8lbs 5 oz. A whole 2.5 lbs heavier than Deke! Seeing those two together was quite funny. Jenna is doing great and Halle is very healthy. Our two children are only two days apart. Hopefully they'll be good friends as they grow up. Congratulations Mike, Jenna, and Kaia!

Baby Deacon

Here are the pictures of baby Deacon. He really looks quite a lot like Tyler did when he was born. Tyler was heavier though and had a little more flesh on his cheeks than Deke does. But looking at their baby pictures together, it would be tough to tell them apart. He is starting to act more like Tyler did, too. So far, I'd have to say he does sleep better. And I'm praying that will continue.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Introducing Baby Deacon

Well yesterday, Baby Deacon arrived, surpising us all. I thought for sure Jenna would beat me! I woke up yesterday with some mild contractions but they were pretty regular. I went to work anyway, praying that Deacon would arrive soon. I left work at 10:00 to go home, still not sure if I was in labor or not. Contractions were getting stronger and closer together, but when your water doesn't break, it is really guess work on whether or not you are in labor. Joel finally convinced me to go the hosiptal around noon.
We picked up Tyler and dropped him off at Steph's. When I arrived, they didn't admit me at first. I was only at 3.5 cm and contractions were mild (according to them, they didn't feel that mild to me!) They had me walk around the hosiptal for an hour and then checked me again. I was at 6cm and fully effaced. As soon as they admitted me, I asked for the drugs. Those contractions hurt!! Joel was great though, he would hold me close and rub my lower back which really helped. Around 4:30, I finally got something they call an intrathucal which worked wonderfully. That antheslogist (Fred) became my new best friend.
At 5:15, I was told that I was at 10cm and ready to push. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to feel to push, because I could not feel anything below my waist. Turns out I had nothing to worry about! As soon as Dr. Shelton arrived and told me I was good to go, it took one contraction and one push and Deacon was born. 45 seconds!!!! I couldn't believe it! No pain at all and it all happened so fast! He was born at 5:23 pm and weighed 6lbs, 19 1/2" long.
He has been extremly mellow so far. Very few cries, but that could change.
Tyler got to meet him and he was really good with him. He tried to share his trucks with him. We'll see how things go when we get him home.
Pictures to follow soon.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jakob's Birthday

Tyler, Kaia, Jakob, and Conner all playing on the floor.
Kaia is the cutest little girl. She's also the only girl in our group so far. She's going to be a big sister any day now and then she'll have another little girl to play with. For now, she can hold her own with the boys though.
Jakob and Tyler chasing after the big bubbles that Daddy was making.
Jakob and Tyler. I just think this is a cute picture. Jakob looks so big next to Ty.
Tyler tackling Jakob. Jakob got Ty a few times too.

July 17th was Jakob's 3rd Birthday. His parents threw a party for him on Saturday. It was quite the party with four kids and several adults. Next year, we'll be doubling that number and there will be 8 kids, with four of them having birthdays in late July or early August. (depending on when these three babies decide to make thier appearance). We're definatly going to need to get a bigger space! The kids had lots of fun especially when we went outside and they started making big bubbles. Joel was really good at getting the bubbles to go and Jakob and Tyler had lots of fun chasing them and popping them. Of course, they also realized that they had lots of fun tackling each other. And fortunatly neither one of them got hurt doing this.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Tuesday was hot and humid here, but that doesn't stop Tyler from playing outside. He played outside with Daddy and got himself very filthy. He had to show me how dirty he was when he got back inside. The tub was filthy when Joel finished bathing him.

Last night, Tyler spent the night at the Reed's. They will be taking care of him when I go into labor. I was a little worried how he would do sleeping. Steph told me this morning that he slept through the night and even slept in. He didn't get up until almost 8. He never does that for us, but then again they have three older kids who I think helped wear him out. Anyway, it is such a comfort to know that he enjoyed his time there and will do well while I'm in labor. I won't have to worry about him at least.

Today, when I got him home, he decided that he should feed the dogs. Maybe, he'll take over this chore and then the dogs won't go hungry. Right now, they're lucky if we remember to feed them. I finally had to tell him that he had fed them enough. Then he kept trying to make Java eat it which he was doing, but it wasn't out of the bowl that Tyler wanted him to eat out of. It's a good thing Java's pretty patient with him.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A boy and his dogs

The dogs are finally learning that Ty can be fun to play with. They have a ball that Ty will throw for them and then all three of them will go after it. Manny usually walks away with it, but he'll drop it so Tyler can throw it for him again. Java tends to hoard it when he gets it, but he's starting to get better as well at dropping it for Tyler to throw again. It's really great to see them playing so well with each other.

Today was a beautiful day, a bit windy, but other than that very nice outside. Tyler played outside with the dogs for awhile and then he had fun playing on his slide. That was interuppted when a huge tree limb fell down in the neighbor's yard. We heard a loud crash and then went to investigate it. Next door a huge branch had broken off and come down on some cars. We informed the people that lived there. I don't think the cars were hurt too much since the biggest part of the branch fell right between two of the cars. After that, we came in and Tyler took his nap.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hit it!

We go and watch our friends play softball on Thursday nights when its nice. Tonight, the game was cancelled, but that didn't stop Tyler for cheering for his favorite players. The first video shows him telling Bob to hit it and then congratulating Bob on a nice hit. The next video shows him telling Mike to hit it and then telling him he did a nice job. It was too funny. He just kept doing it over and over again crouching down like a catcher (which is the position Bob plays) and then telling them they did a nice job.

He was in such a good mood today. I took him to the store with me and he was being so cute that we got quite a few people to stop and talk to him. He was asking so many questions and doing it so politly and of course helping me remember my list. Suprisingly, I was going through it out loud and trying to remember one of the things on it when he told me it was bread. He was right, bread was on the list and I would have forgotten it. One of the ladies at Hyvee that works there knows him by name now and always makes a point to come and talk to him and of course offer him a sticker. Too bad every day isn't like today. But I guess if that happened, I'd start taking it for granted.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

County Fair

Today, Ty's daycare went to the Winona County Fair. I went as a parent volunteer and I'm so glad I did. Ty had so much fun. First, he danced with all his friends and watched a juggle act and magic show. He really liked the music best of all.

After this, we had a picnic lunch and then we went to see all the animals. He got to pet a bunny, a cow, sheep, and goats.

Lilianna was nice enough to share her wagon with him when he got tired of walking

He got a tattoo of a clover with 4-H on it. He was pretty proud of that tattoo.

Then we went and saw all the tractors they had. He's a big fan of tractors and I let him sit on some of them and got his picture. They had a lot of really old tractors which was pretty cool.

We left the fair grounds @ 1:30 and Ty was asleep in the car before we got home. I got him in the house and then laid down with him to take a nap. It was a pretty long morning for me as well, but so worth it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Christmas in July

Last Christmas, we went home for Texas. We won't be going this year since we'll have baby Deacon and it costs way too much to fly now. Anyway, Tyler got to see the Gulf of Mexico and being that it was so warm, he even got to play in it a little bit. It looks like its Summer there, but it was December when we were down there. I just now took these pictures off the camera and thought the grandparents might like to see pictures of the trip.
Here's Ty with Joel's parents, George and Yu. I think this picture is so cute of the three of them.
Ty with his Poppy. He had so much fun playing with his Poppy. I should have gotten one with both of my parents, but I never did take one. Next time, I'll have to make sure to get a family shot.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ty being Ty

Here are some snapshots of Ty being his usual silly self. He found his old Tigger costume from his first Halloween. That would have been when he was 8 months old. Suprisingly it still fit. It was a little short, it only reached to his knees, but we had no problem zipping it up. He played around in this for a little while acting like a Tigger. He then asked Mommy to take a picture with him which is the one of the two of us.

The kid loves his trucks! He actually sleeps with them every night and I'll have to take a picture of his bed before he goes to sleep one night. How he manages to sleep with all the toys he has in his bed, I don't know, but considering that he didn't sleep as a baby, I'm not questioning it too much. His wagon happens to be in the playroom right now and he loaded it up with all his trucks and then climbed in there to play with them.

This is just a cute picture of him. He saw the camera on the coffee table and asked me to take his picture. I think he's becoming a little ham. Anytime you aim the camera at him, he says Cheese! and gives a big smile. He also has to see the pictures as soon as you take them.