Monday, June 21, 2010

Introducing the Dramatic Deacon

Oh, this boy is too clever. Saturday, Ty and Deke were riding their bikes in the driveway. Ty bumped Deacon just a little bit by accident when he was driving past him. It just jolted him a teeny, tiny bit. Deacon sat there for maybe a second or two and then slowly crumpled up and slowly fell off the trike. I watched him do the whole thing and it was slow enough for him to lower himself gently to the sidewalk where he commenced to cry and yell "Tywer!" What a little drama king! I had to stop myself from calling him "Liar, liar pants on fire!" Instead I chose the more politically correct "You Fibber!" I couldn't believe the little tike was trying to get his big brother in trouble on purpose. We are so going to have to watch this one!

Yesterday I took the boys to get their haircuts by myself. I am so brave sometimes. Ty is excellent and always has been, but Deacon is not so good with the haircuts. We've avoided one for a whole year and have just had Joel give him trims because the first time was so bad. He sat in my lap and Tyler went with the other lady to get his haircut. Deacon at first started to resist, but then he looked over and saw Tyler and was fine after that. I think once he saw that Ty was cool with it, then he could be cool with it too. He looks super cute. Joel says he reminds him of when Connor was younger and would get his haircut. Tyler thinks he looks like Brennan's younger brother.

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