Monday, June 14, 2010

Deacon the Devious

Here are some picture of Deacon with Nana and Uncle George. Deacon likes to steal food from other people's plates and he looks so adorable when he begs you can't help but give him some of your food.
Friday evening we were outside and the boys were playing chase. Ty would make a wide loop around the yard while Deke would chase after him. Ty would always end up in this little chair that is just the right size for the boys. Deacon loves this chair and when Ty decided to take an extended break from the game of chase, Deke got a tiny bit upset, but then he put that devious mind to work. Ty beware. Deke came up behind Ty and said "Chase". Ty agreed and took off, Deacon chased him just far enough and then turned around and high tailed it for the chair. Tyler was so mad. "Deacon took a shortcut." He yelled. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing so hard. I had no idea he was so clever.
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