Monday, March 21, 2011

Fixin' to Go to Texas

Just a few more shots of my boys :)
Figured I'd better start working on my accent so I fit in when I'm there :) Better stop saying "soda" and start calling it "coke" and I need to brush up on the "ya'lls"
"Are ya'll fixin' to head down to the corner store for some cokes?" Man, after living up here for 6 years, I really notice the accents when we go back. At the doctor's office last Weds for Ty's 5 year well-checkup. Dr. Wilfhart asked Ty if he drank any pops. Ty looked at me confused as to what "pops" were. So I said "sodas" so he would understand. Dr. Wlfhart then asked me if I was from around here. No, but I have at least stopped calling all soda pop, "cokes" so I'm making progress. Don't know if I'll ever call it a pop though.
Boys are loving the bunk beds. They have been in there playing since we got home. I've overheard them pretending it was a boat and around 6:30 Ty comes out of the bathroom, dressed in his pj's, teeth brushed and ready for bed. It's been a crazy day, but its ending well.
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