Friday, January 21, 2011

Cities Trip

Kaia, Tyler, and Deacon early Monday morning.
This one of only three almost complete Tricertops skeltons in the world! I thought that was pretty darn cool.

Enjoying some books at the muesum.

Last weekend, the boys and Joel got MLK day off. I had to take vacation but it was worth it. We went up to the Cities Sunday afternoon and got to spend a wonderful evening with our good friends, the Loos. Oh, boy have I missed them. Our kids play so well together that it is actually very relaxing to be there. We can let them just play on their own for like a whole 30 minutes or so without having to intervene or anything. That is just amazing to me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are girls and they appear to have a calming effect on my boys...even the Dekemesiter.
I actually got to go shopping with Jenna on Sunday afternoon and we both scored some pretty good deals at Express. I was sorely tempted to buy some boots as well, but I resisted...barely.
The next morning we took the kids to the Natural History Muesum. Ty really wanted to see the dinosaurs and they were pretty awesome. This muesum had a lot of interactive stuff as well so it was really cool. I could see both of them really enjoying it when they are a little older and understand even more.
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