Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fun Times

In the picture above, they were dancing around the living room. They do this weird thing where they just circle around and around. Not really dancing, but it makes them happy. They've also gotten into this thing where they love wearing their winter hats (and pretty much nothing else). Deke has a batman one and Ty has a spider man one.
Okay, so time for a sweet story about the Deacon since I made him sound like such a terror in that last post. Yesterday, both boys got to pick a treat from our treat jar (it includes fruit snacks, stickers, stuff like that) Deke picked first and he picked this Power Ranger Sticker. It was the only power ranger sticker that we had and of course this is the one Ty wanted. Ty was pretty upset that he couldn't have it and was starting to go into serious pout mode. Deke asks him: "Why you crying?" He knew it was because of the sticker because Ty did ask if he would trade and Deke said no originally, but when he saw how upset Ty was, he handed the sticker over to Tyler so Ty wouldn't be sad. I thought it was super sweet of him. These boys can be so protective of each other.
Today, Deke was being stubborn about getting ready to go to the store, so Daddy told him that he just wouldn't go unless he put his pants on. Tyler was over there arguing with Daddy that Deke couldn't do that by himself. Deke was getting pretty upset as well because he really loves to go to the store, so Daddy did help him put the pants on, but then wanted him to put his shoes on. Deke was again getting worked up even though he knows how to do this. So Tyler put Deke's shoes on for him so he wouldn't get left behind.
On another note, Scooby died over the weekend. We picked a new fish tonight and his name is...Batman.
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