Thursday, July 17, 2008


Tuesday was hot and humid here, but that doesn't stop Tyler from playing outside. He played outside with Daddy and got himself very filthy. He had to show me how dirty he was when he got back inside. The tub was filthy when Joel finished bathing him.

Last night, Tyler spent the night at the Reed's. They will be taking care of him when I go into labor. I was a little worried how he would do sleeping. Steph told me this morning that he slept through the night and even slept in. He didn't get up until almost 8. He never does that for us, but then again they have three older kids who I think helped wear him out. Anyway, it is such a comfort to know that he enjoyed his time there and will do well while I'm in labor. I won't have to worry about him at least.

Today, when I got him home, he decided that he should feed the dogs. Maybe, he'll take over this chore and then the dogs won't go hungry. Right now, they're lucky if we remember to feed them. I finally had to tell him that he had fed them enough. Then he kept trying to make Java eat it which he was doing, but it wasn't out of the bowl that Tyler wanted him to eat out of. It's a good thing Java's pretty patient with him.

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