Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can I get some Sleep?

See the happy baby in the picture above? He's not like that at 10:00 at night. By that time he is super fussy because he is soooo tired. I will never understand why babies fight sleep the way they do (especially mine!) We can't seem to do anything to make this kid happy.
We lay him down in the crib...he screams...we pick him up...he screams...we rock him...he screams...we walk with screams...we take him to bed with us...he screams. Did I mention that by this time, I'm screaming too.
Not only is he screaming (which I really think I could handle at this point) he is arching his back and fighting us holding him, but if you set him down that does not make him happy either. This has been going on now for the past week. The most he'll sleep at a time is 2 hours (and get this, I'm estatic if he makes it two hours at a stretch) We are up and down all night long. And then around 3:00 in the morning when I'm ready to pull my hair out. I lay him down in the crib and he gives me the most beautiful grin. How can you not help but love a kid that can smile like that? That smile can take my breath away and remind me why I'm up at 3:00am with him. Because I love him, even if he won't let me sleep.
Maybe tonight will be my dreams (wait, I have to sleep to dream)

1 comment:

Heather said...

i would be glad to watch him for you, if you would like to take a night off. con screamed (and still screams) so much, i no longer can really hear that sound anymore. :)