Sunday, September 19, 2010

Frontenac State Park

The Kelner's have been busy! Yesterday we visited Nerstrand State Park and today Joel suggested we go to Frontenac. We did a very strenuous hike and I am very glad that Deke was in the backpack carrier most of the way. The terrain was rugged and steep. I was a little worried about Ty, but he did awesome. He took it slow and easy and never once came close to tripping.
In that last picture, if you look closely at Ty's face, he looks scared. We were at an overlook and for some reason, it scared him. It wasn't even that steep of a drop off. We've been in way worse places, but for some reason, this one did it for him. He didn't want to get close to the edge and there was a railing there. It was a beautiful hike and I loved all the moss covered rocks and the views that we got to see.
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