Sunday, February 28, 2010


Daddy giving Ty a push.
Deke playing in the tunnel. He wasn't such a fan of the sledding.
But, he didn't mind having Daddy pulling him around.

Isn't Joel just an awesome Daddy?! So much fun. Enjoy it while it lasts because SPRING is coming!

I had the pleasure of staying home with the boys today. Deke had pink eye. At least we think it might be pink eye. I thought for sure it was yesterday afternoon. It was really gunky and runny. I took him to Urgent Care and she didn't pull the lid down or really look at the eye beyond what everybody could see. She prescribed some antibodies for him anyway and said to keep him home today. We didn't get the medicine until after he was in bed, so he didn't get the first dose until this morning. By this morning the eye looked fine. It never did look pink. Kept him home anyway as a precaution and plus I really enjoyed being home with them. I had lunch ready for Joel when he got home and in general did all the things I miss out on during the day. It was another beautiful day and I took the boys for a walk this afternoon. It was the only thing that made Deke happy. He was super fussy after his nap.

I did have a webex this morning and I thought I could just get on and be a spectator, but the person who set it all up, didn't cancel it and didn't show up for it. So I was the only one representing Fastenal. Not a good situation since Deacon was very unhappy and as soon as I unmuted the phone to talk to the poor guy, both dogs start going crazy and barking at someone walking on the road. I finally went and locked myself in the bathroom so I could finish the freaking conversation. Deacon was standing outside the door, beating on it and crying. Lovely. I'm sure I made a great impression.

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