Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Temper Tantrum

He is so different from Ty. His tempers are fearsome to behold. I'm not even sure why he was mad. I think it was because he couldn't make both work at the same time. He is going to be the kid that embarasses me in the store. I'm trying to prepare myself now for it.

Yesterday was another beautiful day and we went to the park. Deke has discovered the joy of sliding and was heading to the tallest slide he could find. Fortunately Ty would go with him and hold him as he slid down. I really wished I would have taken my camera because it was really cute.

I had the other four cavaties filled today. Not as bad this time since the shots were in the upper jaw. Apparently, the lower jaw is way worse and I can vouch for that. I took a book on CD today and it made the time fly. It was over before I knew it.
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1 comment:

Heather said...

lol. reminds me of Cob. still can't take him to a store without a meltdown, but at this point, i don't really even notice anymore.