Monday, April 12, 2010


I love garage sale season. I picked up the pirate costume above for $2, the batman costume for $1, and another spiderman costume for $2. These are so awesome.
Ty had soccer practice tonight. They actually got to play a game. He did pretty well although he was headed for the wrong goal. He figured it out before he made the shot.
I just have to brag about one of my coupon stints this weekend. I'm not a hardcore couponer, but I don't turn them down either. Hyvee had their $5.00 off if you buy 5 boxes of Kellogg cereal. They had some of this cereal on sale for $2.99 so with the $5 off that effectively reduces the cost to $1.99 and I had coupons for $1.50 off two so we're talking about $1.25 per box which is very, very good to begin with. When I checked out, I got two coupons for FREE milk (up to $4.19 value) effectively making my 5 boxes totally FREE! Love those deals and the boys go through the ceral so its always nice when its free or super cheap.
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1 comment:

KariY said...

Were those costumes from the Garvin Heights sale? They had some good stuff there!
Congrats on the cereal deals!